Addiction Treatment in Crystal Lake, IL

Here in Crystal Lake, Illinois, you may think that the city is free of the major problems that affect the rest of the United States as well as the world. However, the reality is not always what it seems. And if you have been struggling all on your own and in secret with an addiction to drugs or alcohol, you might think that you are the only one. This is most certainly not the truth, though. There are not only numerous other people in the Crystal Lake area that are also dealing with drug or alcohol addictions of their own, but there are also many options for addiction treatment in Crystal Lake that can help you overcome your addiction. It is important that you become more aware of the options available to you in drug rehab as well as addiction treatment in Crystal Lake. Once you have a greater understanding of your addiction as well as drug and alcohol addiction treatment, you will be able to find the best possible option in addiction treatment in Crystal Lake for your drug rehab needs.

What Is Addiction?

To better comprehend the importance of drug rehab for drug and alcohol addiction treatment, it is important that you know what an addiction is and is not. Firstly, an addiction is not a mental defect or a form of weakness and it is certainly not something that can be overcome with a mere strength of will or a change in a person's way of thinking. An addition to drugs or alcohol is a disease. This is a disease that has physical roots as well as mental ones.

The physical addiction that a person has to drugs or alcohol is just as strong as the mental side of an addiction. However, the mental addiction usually develops first. A person will seek out drugs or alcohol to use to try to cope with, mask, or avoid some problem that they are experiencing in their life. That problem could be depression, work stress, PTSD, or a myriad of other diagnosable mental health disorders or stressful and upsetting life issues. When the person begins using drugs or alcohol, those substances begin to have a physical impact as well. The physical impact comes from the many interactions that drugs and alcohol have throughout the body, which over time will create a situation where a person physically depends on drugs as well as mentally.

How Does Addiction Treatment Work?

Addiction treatment in Crystal Lake works by addressing all aspects of the addiction that a person has to drugs or alcohol. There are many different ways to accomplish these goals, particularly when it comes to the mental side of an addiction to drugs or alcohol. In a drug rehab center, the primary means of drug and alcohol addiction treatment for the physical side of an addiction is known as medical detox in Crystal Lake. In medical detox, the recovering addict will stop consuming drugs or alcohol under the care of medical professionals. The withdrawals they experience will be managed by medical treatments including prescription addiction medications as well as other interventions.

After the detox process is complete, the drug and alcohol addiction treatment process can go in a lot of directions depending on the exact forms of drug rehab that would work best for you. Individual and group therapy are key components of this process but many approaches are available for those therapies including the 12 Steps of Recovery, moral reconation therapy, motivational incentives therapy, and more. Comprehensive and holistic treatment programs will also offer several alternative therapies in addition to the traditional ones. These include art therapy, pet therapy, acupuncture, massage therapy, hypnotherapy, and a variety of other options.

How does Addiction Affect the Brain?

Addiction has a major impact on the human brain. In fact, it is the brain that becomes physically addicted to drugs or alcohol when a person abuses these substances. The target of these drugs is the brain. They are carried in the person's blood to the brain and begin to interrupt the normal function of the brain by giving it alternative instructions. These instructions are what creates the effects that drugs have on the body. However, those instructions can also cause the brain to completely shift its internal chemistry to accommodate the continued presence of the drug in the body. When the brain's internal chemistry changes, it is dependent on the drug to function.

Why Should I Enter an Addiction Treatment Center?

When you are ready to overcome your addiction, it is important to do so with the help of a center for addiction treatment in Crystal Lake. Treatment centers provide you with comprehensive therapies and treatments to help recovering addicts have a chance at lifelong recovery. Call Crystal Lake Drug Rehab Centers now for help (877) 804-1531.

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