Alcohol Rehabs in Crystal Lake, IL

Alcohol addiction is a major health problem that you and millions of other people may be suffering from at this very moment. While you may think that you are the only person in Crystal Lake that has alcohol abuse problems and is unable to recover from their addiction, this is not the case. Alcohol rehabs in Crystal Lake are here to help you and the other people in the Crystal Lake community with the alcohol abuse recovery process. In order to get the most out of your options for alcohol rehabs in Crystal Lake, it is imperative that you learn more about alcohol abuse as well as your options for alcohol addiction treatment and alcohol rehabs in Crystal Lake. Once you do that, you will be able to make choices for your alcohol abuse recovery that will best serve your personal needs and give you the greatest chance at a full and lifelong recovery from your alcohol abuse problems and alcohol addiction.

What Is Alcohol Abuse?

The majority of people in the United States seem to confuse alcohol abuse and alcohol addiction. The reality is that alcohol abuse is a pattern of behavior that can be a symptom of alcohol addiction or can lead a person to develop an addiction to alcohol. There are many different types of behavior that are considered alcohol abuse.

One of the most easily recognizable signs of alcohol abuse is what is known as blackout drinking. Blackouts are technically periods of lost time that occur because a person's blood alcohol has gotten so high that the chemicals interfere with the brain's ability to convert the experiences a person is having to short-term memories. This can last for a brief period or several hours depending on how long it takes the person's body to process the alcohol and reduce the concentration in the blood.

Blackout drinking is not the only way that a person can abuse alcohol. Binge drinking, with or without blacking out, is also a form of alcohol abuse. When a person consumes three to four or more drinks in only an hour or two, they are technically binge drinking. Many people also abuse alcohol by drinking alone or in situations that are socially unacceptable for alcohol. If a person carries around a flask and sneaks drinks at work or goes out to a bar to drink while on their lunch break, they are abusing alcohol.

Alcohol Abuse Signs and Symptoms

When you are considering the options in alcohol abuse recovery, you may still be questioning whether or not you are actually abusing alcohol or in need of alcohol addiction treatment in Crystal Lake. To better know for sure whether you need alcohol rehabs in Crystal Lake, it is important to know some of the symptoms of alcohol abuse which include:

  • Alcohol cravings
  • Frequent nausea
  • Increased tolerance to alcohol
  • Secretive behavior
  • Carrying alcohol with them
  • Frequent memory lapses
  • Mental confusion
  • Smelling of alcohol
  • Withdrawal symptoms

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you are likely in need of alcohol addiction treatment to help you in your alcohol abuse recovery.

Dangers of Alcohol

Alcohol poses many different dangers to the person consuming it as well as other people around them in some circumstances. Abusing alcohol can make people reckless which can lead to drunk driving, physical altercations, undesired sexual situations, and a wide variety of other problematic behaviors. If you are abusing alcohol, you are also putting yourself at risk of developing major depressive disorder which can affect your mental health in the long term. Physical health consequences of alcohol can be severe as well. When you abuse alcohol, you are running the risk of developing heart and cardiovascular disease, liver problems, various forms of cancer, and even diabetes. Alcohol abuse can also increase your risk of having strokes. All of these health problems are potentially life-threatening.

Why Should I Enter an Alcohol Abuse Rehab?

You should enter an alcohol abuse rehab center for alcohol addiction treatment for many different reasons. The dangers of alcohol alone should be enough to send you running for an addiction treatment center. The longer you continue abusing alcohol, the more risk you are going to be in. Liver damage, heart damage, and the like worsen and develop over time. So, the sooner you stop abusing alcohol, the sooner you will be able to improve your long-term health prospects. Of course, reducing the dangers of alcohol is only a part of why you should go to an alcohol abuse rehab. The treatments and therapies offered in rehab will help to treat every aspect of your addiction which will allow you to better manage temptations and triggers in the future. Call Crystal Lake Drug Rehab Centers now for help (877) 804-1531.

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